Ditt bästa OTH-citat!

Skriv helst vem som sa citatet och gärna när de sa det. :D

Lucas i säsong 3 :)
Ida scott taylor once wrote:
Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

Mouth i säsong 3 tror jag :)
-So maybe the elite girls arn't for me, but one of these days im going to meet a girl who really loves me and maybe she wont be what you call hot but i'll think she's beautiful and i'll tell her so. I wont be mean to her because i wont have to play games with her. I'll just be the guy she can always count on and that'll be enough, and she'll be elite to me

"If you really like the new baby, can I have Jamie?"
- Brooke
Hehe, vet tyvärr inte när hon sa det. ;)

Jag skrattar som fasen åt Brooke när hon o Julian klär sig som dem i Grease, och så kommer haley. Haley : i'm pregnat! Brooke: cobgratulation your selfish babyhaver! They already have Jamie.. Maybe we can kidnap him?! Polisen kommer, Brooke: i was totally kidding with the kidnaping!!

"People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end"
- Brooke Davis
(Kommer dock inte ihåg i vilken säsong)