Skills bästa repliker

Jag och Evelina nämnde säsong 5 på facebook och kom in på Skills och hur han sa att Dan inte hade städat sitt rum till Jamie och att han hamnade i fängelse av den anledningen. Så himla kul scen när Nathan får veta det! :D

Här är några av Skills bästa repliker:

Skills: What day is it? What time is it? What the hell did I drink last night?

Skills: So, what up, P. Sawyer? You got a plan?
Peyton: A plan for what?
Skills: To steal Lucas back. Oh, so I'm the only one thinking like that, huh? Ok, look. Here's the drill. When they say,'does anybody have any reason that this thing shouldn't go down?' Bam! That's you.

Skills: How about this? I say we drug Lindsey first, even though I love her. Then we throw you in the wedding gown, so when Lucas lift up the veil. Bam! It's on.
Brooke: Um, skills? That gown is tailor-made, so, no. And Peyton is gonna be okay.
Skills: Right. You know I love you, P. Sawyer, right? But, baby girl, you are so far from okay, man, you ain't even in the same area code. Wait. Maybe Lucas will say the wrong name on the altar just like Ross did on Friends.

Brooke: They don't do that at real weddings, Skills.
Skills: They should, though. You know, that's good drama.

Nathan: You said he asked you stuff. What else did you tell him?
Skills: Nothing much. Just the truth.
Nathan: Like?
Skills: The man killed Tupac and Biggie, never date girls named Bevin, and Santa Claus is black.

Skills: Damn, Nate mom like the alcoholic Easter bunny.
(Visste han att han skulle dejta den alkoholistiska påskharen? ;))

Skills: Who knew Peytons brother was a brother?

Lucas: I love Brooke, Skills.
Skills: I know you love her. So what, you gonna try and get her back?
Lucas: Yeah.
Skills: Hmm... I'm not too sure that's the way to do it, but hey. (to Peyton): Wassup home wrecker!?


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